These present days is the best days in Balikpapan that I ever have since I have been live here, you know why? Yes right! Because my wife is in here right now for a view days, in Balikpapan! huhuw..cannot express how my feeling in word right now 😀 I am so so so happy right now.. Second Hunimun 😀 I hope this is will last forever hehe..
This is the dream of me, my wife and my child wannabe..I still wanna talk about it, but still  I lake of have u any ideas?wait..wait..think about the baby born first nop 😉 Uwhg..can’t wait to see my child..hehehe..hhmmm become a daddy, still dreaming..can’t believe it’s true..
This is the other word of “suntuk”.. I don’t know, maybe because there are no big challenges.. or maybe there is no my beloved wife by my side, with my child inside her stomach 😛 even though we comunicate every day.. Because now I am farr..farr away from home, that peacefully..too peacefully..may be this is the problem..I need activity or challenge to keep alive.. Hufh,need something to refresh up my mind..