Tagged: Project Management


PSM I Certification

Just wanna share that some time ago (actually last year 😀 ) I obtained another certification related with Agile. The things that I wanna tell you here is that Agile is about mindset (collaboration, transparency, inspect&adapt, etc), and the framework will follow depends on the circumstances.


HR for Non-HR

Terima kasih banyak saya ucapkan utk Pak Sylvanus Hardiyanto , yg dg generous-nya berbagi ilmu tentang HR untuk orang2 Non-HR. Rambut gondrong, tp baik hatinya ?. Sesinya sangat menarik buat saya yg moreless banyak irisannya dg yg sedang saya pelajari di Agile Project Management yg selalu membahas Servant Leadership, people over the process and tools, etc. Jadi, nyambung bgt tuh bahasan tadi dan sangat memperkaya wawasan. Pak Ivan menjelaskan seluk beluk HR dari proses recruitment, compensation &...


Project Management Profesional (PMP)® Journey

I did it finally! I passed the exam on 11/11/22 a perfect date and also a perfect gift for my birthday 😀 after few hours of struggling to do the exam test from 6pm until almost 12pm, almost 6 hours! because some technical issues. And I passed with AT, Allhamdulillah..praise the Lord. Since so many friends and colleagues asking how I pass my PMP Exam, one of the difficult exam-since the area/domain so wide –...