Nofri Hermanto Blog

Strategi Upgrade menurut Microsoft 0

Strategi Upgrade menurut Microsoft

Berikut aku cuplikkan sedikit dari deployment guide dari microsoft di white paper-nya, ini hanya garis besar strateginya saja sih, dah tidak ada bahasan technical-nya : The deployment process for Windows NT Workstation 4.0 consists of several distinct phases, including the following: Assemble executive and planning teams Review Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Identify the preferred network-client configuration Prepare the planning and support teams Perform lab tests of the client configuration Plan the pilot rollout Conduct the...

Strategy Server Migration (Domain Controller) 0

Strategy Server Migration (Domain Controller)

As my promise before, i want to share the knowledge about windows server migration. I don’t mean wanna teach you guys, coz i’m still stupid, as a new system engineer. I just wanna share my knowledge, probably it means to you guys. I wanna share about Domain Controller (DC) migration from NT 4 to Windows 2003 R2 DC, actually it more suitable if we called upgrade not migrate 😉 First, you must back up your...

Server Migration Documentation 2

Server Migration Documentation

These days, my heads felt wanna blow up because I have to make documentation about server migration, Active Directory Controller from NT4 to 2003 also Mail Server from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2003.. May be i’ll write down the strategy of migration, but next time if i have a lot of spare time, hope so… Cheers,

Randezvouz Balada Si Roy 0

Randezvouz Balada Si Roy

Kemaren Minggu malem tumben2-an aku sama temen2 kos pergi nonton di PIM II, asikk juga hang out bareng temen2 kos.. they are like second family to Nicholas Cage, Gost Rider , lumayan keren sihh filmnya terutama motornya tuh..mantabh..!! Tapi bukan itu yang mau aku bahas, tapi hal yang laen yang mengingatkan masa-masa kuliah dulu..what is the connection??. Jadi, waktu itu kita datengnya telat..jam 7 lebih lah, jadi kita kebagian nonton yang jam 9 malem,...

Jakarta Berkuah 1

Jakarta Berkuah

Udah seminggu ini tipi-tipi dipenuhin berita tentang Banjir di Jakarta..emang banjir kali ini lebih besar dari tahun sebelumnya, katanya ini sih siklus 5 tahunan, jadi setiap 5 taon pasti terjadi banjir besar..tapi koq ya pemerintah kita not well prepared..kata orang pemerintah kita tu kurang proaktif, tapi hanya reaktif belaka..cek these pictures up.. picture has been removed ga akan omdo (alias omong doang), cuman ngritik pemerintah tanpa ngasih solusi..gini..gini.. solusi dari gw, kenapa pemerintah gak...

Life is like play Billiard 0

Life is like play Billiard

Why’s that? yeah rite..emang gitu in my opinion..setelah dipikir-pikir permainan billiard itu kadang susah kadang gampang, kadang sesuai keinginan lebih banyak lagi yg ngga.. nasib kita ibarat bola-bola billiard, bisa menggelinding kemana aja..tergantung kemana kita mengarahkannya.. Tapi, terkadang (bahkan sering) kita sudah mengarahkan bola agar masuk ke lubang tapi gagal masuk..ini tergantung juga sih dari pengalaman kita bermain, semakin pengalaman kita banyak semakin gampang kita memasukkan bola..yeahh..yeahh rite “practice make perfect”, ini berlaku juga dalam...

The spirit carries on 0

The spirit carries on

Lyrics by john petrucci Nicholas: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die? What lies beyond And what lay before? Is anything certain in life? They say, life is too short, The here and the now And youre only given one shot But could there be more, Have I lived before, Or could this be all that weve got? If I die tomorrow Id be allright Because...

Perfect memory 0

Perfect memory

Artist: Remy Zero Remember how they always seemed to know We had the forest in our eyes but the earth was in our clothes They thought we’d fall Not at all So look back on your treasured days When we were young in a world that was so tired Though it’s not what we wanted before Even the saints had to crawl from the floor Summers when the money was gone you’d sing All your...

The Other Side 2

The Other Side

Ini memang judul sebuah lagu yang populer miliknya RHCP, tapi bukan itu yang ingin Penulis sampaikan. Bila kita melihat suatu permasalahan atau ‘sesuatu’ (jadi sifatnya masih umum/universal), lihatlah jangan dari satu sisi saja.. begitulah yang penulis ingin sampaikan dalam tulisan kali ini. Apabila ada orang menanyakan pertanyaan psikologis ‘jika kamu melihat suatu meja, bentuk seperti apakah meja yang ada dalam benak anda?’ jika anda jawab bulat atau oval or something like that bukan kotak atau...